PRP Injections Specialist

BSN Regenerative Institute -  - Aesthetics

BSN Regenerative Institute

Aesthetics & Wellness located in Sherman Oaks, CA

Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, has a unique ability to regenerate your skin and hair without medications or surgery. At BSN Regenerative Institute in Sherman Oaks, California, the team led by Babak (Bobby) Eghbalieh, MD, FACS, performs safe, effective PRP injections that take years off your appearance. This safe, natural treatment leaves skin brighter, tighter, and healthier. To learn more about PRP injections, call the office or schedule an appointment online today.

PRP Injections Q & A

What are PRP injections?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, a type of regenerative medicine, harnesses the healing properties of natural growth factors present in your own blood platelets. These growth factors stimulate and enhance cellular regeneration and tissue repair. 

To perform PRP injections, your provider at BSN Regenerative Institute draws a small amount of your blood and then processes it with a centrifuge, separating your platelets and plasma from other blood elements. Your provider then injects this plasma serum into a specific part of your body to trigger cellular renewal and rebuild damaged tissue. 

What are the benefits of PRP injections?

PRP injections have numerous anti-aging and skin-refining benefits, such as:

  • Reducing acne scarring
  • Brightening your overall complexion
  • Improving dark spots and sun damage
  • Smoothing lines and wrinkles
  • Tightening sagging skin
  • Improve skin health and nutrition
  • Enhancing skin volume

PRP injections can also restore hair loss due to androgenetic alopecia (male or female pattern baldness). PRP hair restoration regenerates follicular cells, improving hair strength and thickness, and reducing future hair loss. 

What should I expect during PRP injection therapy?

PRP injections at BSN Regenerative Institute begins with a simple blood sample drawn from your arm. Your provider then spins this sample in the centrifuge to extract the PRP serum. The experienced team at BSN Regenerative Institute performs every step of PRP therapy using sterile, FDA-approved equipment.

Once ready, your provider uses your PRP concentrate for the treatment you’ve selected. PRP treatment options include:


Microneedling treatments use a specialized tool to create tiny punctures in your facial skin. On its own, microneedling stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin, which have anti-aging properties. During a microneedling PRP treatment, your provider administers PRP to these tiny puncture wounds to enhance the results of the procedure.  

PRP facial injections

Your provider can inject your PRP serum into specific areas of your face. Over time, the PRP heals, lifts, and rejuvenates your skin from deep within.

PRP hair restoration

Your provider injects PRP directly into your hair follicles in the area where you have hair loss. Over several months, follicular tissue heals, restoring hair strength and thickness and reducing ongoing hair loss.

To revitalize your skin or restore lost hair, schedule a consultation for PRP injections at BSN Regenerative Institute. Call the office or book an appointment online today.