Hair Restoration Specialist

BSN Regenerative Institute -  - Aesthetics

BSN Regenerative Institute

Aesthetics & Wellness located in Sherman Oaks, CA

Men and women who suffer from hair loss can benefit from regenerative hair loss treatments. At BSN Regenerative Institute in Sherman Oaks, California, the team led by Babak (Bobby) Eghbalieh, MD, FACS, performs hair restoration using platelet-rich plasma therapy. This safe, natural treatment improves hair strength and thickness and slows future hair loss, resulting in a full, healthy-looking head of hair. To learn more about hair restoration, call the office or schedule an appointment online today.

Hair Restoration Q & A

What causes hair loss?

The most common cause of hair loss, androgenetic alopecia, also called male or female pattern baldness, causes hair follicles to shrink. As your follicles tighten, your hair becomes thinner and weaker. These weaker hairs break and fall out more easily than healthy hair.

Other conditions that cause hair loss include:

  • Hormonal changes
  • Medical conditions
  • Medications
  • Radiation
  • Stress

The experienced team at BSN Regenerative Institute uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy to address hair loss caused by androgenetic alopecia in both men and women.

What is PRP therapy for hair restoration?

A type of regenerative medicine, PRP therapy, involves natural growth factors present in your own blood platelets. These growth factors contribute to cellular regeneration and tissue repair. 

To perform PRP treatments, your provider draws a small amount of your blood and then spins it in a centrifuge, separating your platelets and plasma from other blood components. Your provider then re-injects this concentrated serum into a specific area of your body to stimulate and enhance tissue regeneration. 

When injected into your hair follicles, PRP regenerates follicular cells. Over time, your follicles gradually reopen so that your hair regains its strength and thickness. PRP therapy reduces hair loss and improves new hair growth, so it restores its healthy, full appearance.

What happens during a PRP hair restoration treatment?

The skilled providers at BSN Regenerative Institute usually perform three PRP hair restoration treatments spaced about 4-6 weeks apart. The team uses sterile, FDA-approved equipment for each step in the process. 

Your provider first draws a sample of blood from your arm. It takes about 10 minutes to process this sample in the centrifuge, isolating the PRP. Next, your provider carefully injects the PRP serum into the follicles in the areas where you have experienced hair loss.

The full results of your PRP treatment appear gradually over several months. The team at BSN Regenerative Institute recommends 5-10 treatments and on average, people see 30% more hair growth. They also recommend maintenance treatments every 4-6 months to preserve your results and prevent additional hair loss.

If you suffer from hair loss due to male and female pattern baldness, schedule a consultation at BSN Regenerative Institute to determine if PRP therapy can help. Call the office to schedule an appointment or book online today.